We do numerous works for the upliftment of the society. Some of them are:

  1. Empowering women- Programmes will be undertaken to empower women members and wives of members of the Manch.  Workshops / programmes will be run to educate them and members regarding rights of women take initiative in day to day life that lady of the house is involved in taking all decisions of family like financial matters, upbringing of  children etc . Women/ members will be encouraged that women know opening and operation of bank account  independently.  Women will also be encouraged to develop their hobbies.
  2. Empowering children—Programmes will be undertaken to inculcate a sense of decency and leadership qualities in children. They will also be exposed to role model children and / successful individuals whose childhood may be accepted as role model for children. To inculcate creative abilities in them creative art like dance ,drama , debate ,games and sports competitions will also be organized at a suitable interval. .Efforts will be made to help children grow as good citizens of the country. Overall endeavours will be to turn each and every child an ASSET to the society.
  3. Felicitation of deserving candidates–arrangements will be made to recognize and honor talents from amongst members of the Manch and their dependants. Arrangements will also be made to arrange monetary help for deserving candidates who want to continue their education but do not have sufficient finananial support.
  4. Upliftment of weaker sections of society –Vocational training will be organized for members of wearer section of society in creative skills and they will be encouraged to produce items of handicraft and souvenirs and market for such items will be explored for their benefit .
  5. Free legal aid to needy persons from weaker sections of society-For this a panel of competent selfless advocates will be drawn to render free legal services to  needy persons from weaker sections of society.
  6. Eradication of bad traditions like child marriage and dowary system etc– Awareness Campaign amongst members will be launched about these bad traditions so that they may act as change agents to materialize these changes in their families and areas of influence.
  7. Mentoring program– A network of mentors is being organised to help youth needinng councelling in any chosen  field for optimum development.