1. To help improve personality and life style of the members of the Manch, develop fraternity and mutual cooperation amongst themselves and organize various programmes for personality development and to solve their problems.
  1. Instil a feeling of Nationality, Confidence, Self Respect and Human Values in its members and propagation thereof.
  1. To organize programmes and bring awareness for eradication of social evils, such as child marriage, dowry and drug/alcohol addiction etc.
  1. To promot and bring awareness in society about  health & education of girls , adult education and family planning.
  1. To develop feelings of respect for elders and the responsibilities of society towards them.
  1. To expose system loop holes against interest of weaker sections of society and to make plan and policies for ensuring social justice to them and execution thereof.
  1.  To organize a network of mentors  amongst retired /serving officers having attitude for social work to guide the youth.
  1. Endevour for empowerment of women, handicaps and weaker sections of society.
  1. Exchange views and ideas with like minded organizations & individuals.
  1. To organize sports and cultural activities / programmes.
  1. To recognise/honour talents in the society and counsel/help monetarily to needy individuals for their career advancement.
  1. To preserve and conserve the environment.