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Uplifting the society

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Do it for social cause. Someone needs your help. Empower the weaker section.


Download and read E-Magazine 'aravali' published by AVM.

About Us

Aravali Vichar Manch is an NGO having its members from serving and retired government /semi government and private sector officers belonging to tribal communities and act as a ” Think tank”  and broach the issues pertaining to tribal and other socially deprived people.

Our Major Programs include:

  • Empowering women
  • Empowering Children
  • Felicitation of deserving candidates
  • Upliftment of weaker sections of society
  • Free legal aid
  • Eradication of bad traditions like child marriage and dowry system etc.
  • Mentoring services

Overall developments of members-Motivational programmes are being launched for members and their families to inspire them to be worthy citizens of our great Nation. Members will be encouraged to inculcate good habits of savings, accountability. They will also be helped understand law of success.

Aravali Vichar Manch is all About Dignity, support, education, peace, equality, inclusive growth and sustainability on a healthy planet.

Why AVM ?

Aravali Vichar Manch Empowers Women, Children, and Uplifts the Weaker sections of the Society. A platform for Manthan, Socialisation.
Helping in Education

Helping in Education

Education For All

"We are financially helping needy children in their study.

Protecting rights of tribals

Protecting rights of tribals

Legal assistance

"We are protecting rights of tribal by fighting for them in courts through out the country."

Connecting Tribals

Connecting Tribals


"We are connecting tribals through gathering and helping them.

What are we doing...

Know our latest posts & activities.

Tribal leaders- Aravali Issue Aug 2020

Aravali e -magazine – August 2020: our Heroes special “A Hero Never Dies Unless He is Forgotten” अर्थात एक हीरो तब तक नही मरता जब तक लोग उसे भुला नही देते हैं। इतिहास गवाह है Read more…

Aravali E- magazine- May 2020 ‘Tribal Empowerment’

Aravali E- magazine- May 2020 का विमोचन <strong>अरावली ई-पत्रिका</strong> का पहला अंक निकालते समय हमने नहीं सोचा था कि अगला अंक मई 2020 में आ सकेगा। लेकिन जिस उत्साह से मेम्बेरों ने लेख और कविताएँ Read more…

Panchana Dam Introduction & Issues

आओ विस्तृत रूप से समझे पांचनाडैम के इतिहास, इसको बनाने के पीछे सरकार के उद्देश्य आओ वीडियो के माध्यम से समझे पांचनाडैम के इतिहास, इसको बनाने के पीछे सरकार के उद्देश्य, प्रोजेक्ट को मिले फंड, Read more…

मानवता ही सबसे बड़ा धर्म है जहां मनुष्य, मनुष्य का आदर व सम्मान करें

हिन्दू_मुस्लिम_व_क्रिश्चियन तीनों धर्मों को मानने वाले अनुयायियों ने मानवता को शर्मसार करने वाले कृत किये हैं। अत: इन परम्परागत धर्मों की मान्यताओं को जरूरत से ज्यादा महत्व नहीं देना चाहिए। मानवता ही सबसे बड़ा धर्म है जहां Read more…

विचार व भावनाओं का स्वत: हस्तांतरण होता है। Auto transmission of thoughts & feelings.

यदि कोई व्यक्ति दूसरे व्यक्ति के प्रति मन में खराब भाव रखता है तो दूसरे के मन में स्वत: ही पहले वाले के प्रति खराब विचार व भाव आ जाते है। यह बिलकुल ओटो ट्रांसमिट Read more…

Get in Touch

We are waiting to hear from you.

Find us at the office

D-143, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur. Raj.

Give us a ring

Sh. Prabhu Lal Devand (Patron), 9351511643
Sh. P.M. Singhdeo (Patron), 9261260000
Sh. Ramji Lal Meena (President), 9414566444
Sh. R.P. Meena (General Secretary), 8209258619
Sh. Kishan Sarvpriya, 9460998800

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